Quality Bar Studies

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What is the Quality Bar?

Maps that make it to the "New" section when entering the Marketplace are considered above the Quality Bar. These maps are cycled out weekly with new maps. The picture on this Wiki page shows where it is.

Quality Bar / New section

If a map is above the Quality Bar it will get added to the "New" section and be more visible for people that are looking to buy a new map.

Why do we care about the Quality Bar?

We care about the quality bar because the maps are more likely to be purchased.

If our maps are purchased more, we will get more money.

If we get more money, we will be able to pay the Lifeboat Marketplace Team more!!!

What makes a map be above the Quality Bar?

Microsoft decides who is above the quality bar and who makes the cut. Therefore their formula is kept secret, so here's our best guess on how you can help the maps.

  • Make the maps easy to understand.
  • Impress the Microsoft QA testers
  • Luck

We do many things on the post-production side of things to make our maps easier for Microsoft to like them, but nothing will take the place of a well-made map!

How can you help to get a map above the Quality bar?


We have seen many things that come from builders that will lower the quality of a map, or even fail a map; which is worse!!


  • If you aren't sure about the style, geometry, colors, or anything, PLEASE reach out to Velxeno to make sure!

Touch Uppers:

  • Read EVERY task very carefully in EVERY card you take.
  • Make sure to go through the checklist thoroughly to understand what each task may mean.
  • If you have read through the Map Quality Checklist and you have questions about a specific task, PLEASE ask a1frostbite, Foxynoobcake, Molly, or Noslen.


  • Follow the script exactly as it's written. If you have questions or suggestions for it, please reach out to whomever sent it to you.
  • Document any changes that are made to the original script. This helps us describe things to Microsoft in our map content guide.

Map Examples: