How to make trailers for Lifeboat Maps

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These are the things we look for in trailers and thing required to make a trailer

What More details
Story A trailer must have beginning, middle, and end. Build to some intensity, and reach some conclusion. Make a story.

Lifeboat trailers are never just a bunch of clips strung together to music.

Narration If a voice would help tell the story, use a voice
Sound Effects When a helicopters flies through, you should hear the helicopter. If a player opens a chest, you should hear the creaking sound.
Music We have access to royalty-free music you can use. Please choose from sound stripethen tell us what one you want, we will get it for you.
Show Features Be sure to the video shows any key selling points that might sell the map.

Show the custom mobs of a map

Explain as needed If the map has unique game play methods, explain them.

Example: Ender Golf Trailer

Multiple Players For most videos you will need to get several players together for some shops. Maps with just a single player in them look too lonely.

The trailers we make must be 1 minute and 10 seconds long with content. We then add 20 seconds to the end of the video with b roll footage to link other videos.