Content Guidelines

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Since Microsoft owns Minecraft, they set the requirements for getting content onto the Marketplace. Some make sense for various reasons, and some don't; but we have to deal with them all the same. This list is important for all LMT members, but especially for builders, logic technicians, texture and general artists. Be aware of these as you make stuff!

Guideline Details
No blood or gore Redstone dust as blood is not allowed, nor on textures. Decapitated player heads are also no allowed. Skeleton and mob heads are okay to use.
No allusions to disturbuing violence "Explicit, visible, or implied violence or disturbing violent acts cannot be represented in the content, text, dialogue, or theme in marketplace content. No elements of mature themes can be present in content such as guillotines, murder, suicide, or anything that implies these kinds of mature acts."

This one's tricky. You can say someone was killed in a world, but you can't be too detailed with it. Example: (Okay: Jim was blown up by a creeper.) (Not okay: The creeper exploded near Frederick, sending his body parts across the biome.)

No depictions of real-world firearms. "No depiction or emulation of real-world handheld guns, regardless of the degree of accuracy with which the object is represented. This includes weaponry such as rifles, pistols, gun-like toys, carried rocket and grenade launchers, mounted guns, etc. Essentially anything that mimics the construction of a gun (trigger housing, handle, barrel)."

Sci-fi and Fantasy weapons that act like guns are allowed if they do not look like firearms. For example, Samus' Arm Cannon.

No military themed content. Microsoft has a flat ban on military content unless it is for educational purposes and doesn't put combat personnel in a positive light. We tend to just avoid it altogether since it's not worth the trouble.
No experimental features Despite supporting these features for player use, Microsoft will not allow content onto the store with these features enabled. If a map relies on these features, it will need to be reworked.
No flags Flags of any nation, ideology or purpose are not allowed. This goes for flags made from blocks (even small abstract "flags"), textures, key arts, and more.
No religious symbols, allusions to religious themes or afterlife. Microsoft bans ANY religious symbols. Churches and other places of worship are okay for building, but they must be free of symbology. No crosses, no stars of david, no pentagrams, no Mr. Rogers.
No use of Steve or Alex For copyright and ownership reasons, we are not allowed to use Steve or Alex in marketing materials or for map purposes.
No "official stories" Content that would seem to tell an official story of a Minecraft character/mob is not allowed.
Do not include references to, or depictions of, real persons without their consent. No making games about your favorite streamer. If you know a famous guy/gal who's interested in making a game, refer them to Molly, Cody, or Cory.
No profanity or vulgar words Watch your $%#&@^! language!
No racist or sexist epithets. Self-explanatory.
No nudity Keep the content pg, no naughty bits.
Do not use IP that you do not have the rights to. No making a fanfic world about Harry Potter meeting Naruto for a duel of magical abilities.
Do not use physical deformities to convey intelligence. No drooling mouthbreathers.
Do not depict Indigenous Peoples "Exercise sensitivity in depictions of historically marginalized groups, such as indigenous peoples." is the official wording of this requirement, but we've found that it's easier to avoid this topic altogether. We're game makers, not historians, and its better to play to our strengths.
Skinpack Diversity Skinpacks for players must represent both male and female skins and feature more than one race.